
[提出物の様式 MC-/DC- について]

Document forms can be downloaded from <here>.

[博士前期/Master] 2024.09修了

学位申請について/Submission of Dissertation
修了式のご案内/Graduation Ceremony
(Please contact your course office for information on how to receive your degree and certificates.)

[博士後期/Doctor] 2024.09修了

学位申請について/Submission of Dissertation
修了式のご案内/Degree Awarding Ceremony
(You will receive your degree at the degree conferment ceremony. If you are unable to attend the degree conferment ceremony, please contact your course office for information on how to receive your degree.)


[博士前期/Master] 2024.03修了(旧版)

学位申請について/Submission of Dissertation
修了式のご案内/Graduation Ceremony
(Please contact your course office for information on how to receive your degree and certificates.)

[博士後期/Doctor] 2024.03修了(旧版)

学位申請について/Submission of Dissertation
修了式のご案内/Graduation Ceremony
(Please contact your course office for information on how to receive your degree and certificates.)