例) ENG1001→ 英語 大学1年次レベル
学術分野等(A) | 科目難易度(B) | 整理番号(C) |
ENG | 1 | 001 |
A | 科目の学術分野等を表すアルファベット(下記一覧表参照) |
B |
科目の難易度 1:大学1年次レベル 2:大学2年次レベル 3:大学3年次レベル 4:大学4年次レベル 5:大学院博士前期(修士)課程レベル 6:大学院博士後期(博士)課程レベル |
C | 科目の整理番号:3桁の番号を付しています。 |
学術分野等名 | 略号 |
International Relations | IREL |
International Development | IDEV |
Sociology | SOC |
Communication and Media | CMM |
Geography | GEOG |
Urban and Regional Planning | URP |
Anthropology | ANTH |
Philosophy | PHIL |
Linguistics | LING |
Art Theory | ARTT |
History | HIST |
European Studies | EUST |
American Studies | AMST |
Japanese Studies | JPST |
Asian Studies | ASST |
Liberal Arts | LA |
Compulsory Subject for Teaching Profession | CSTP |
Elective Subject for Teaching Profession | ESTP |
Pedagogy | PED |
Psychology and Educational Practice | PEP |
National Language Education | NLE |
English Language Education | ELE |
Social Studies Education | SSE |
Mathematics Education | MATE |
Natural Science Education | NSE |
Music Education | ME |
Art Education | AE |
Physical Education | PE |
Technology Education | TE |
Home Economics Education | HEE |
Early Childhood Education and Care(Subject for Teaching Profession) | ECTP |
Early Childhood Education and Care | ECEC |
Special Needs Education (Subject for Teaching Profession) | SNTP |
Special Needs Education | SNE |
School Health (Subject for Teaching Profession) | SHTP |
School Health | SH |
Economics, Elementary | EE |
Economic Analysis | EA |
Global Business and Social Development | EG |
Business Innovation | EB |
Law and Public Policies | EL |
Japan Study | EJ |
Donated Fund Courses | ED |
Science and Engineering | SE |
Science | SCI |
Department of Mathematics | MATH |
Department of Physics | PHYS |
Department of Chemistry | CHEM |
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | BIOM |
Department of Regulatory Biology | BIOR |
Engineering | EGR |
Mechanical Engineering | MCH |
Electrical and Electronic Systems | EES |
Information and Computer Sciences | ICS |
Applied Chemistry | APC |
Functional Materials Science | FMS |
Civil and Environmental Engineering | CVL |
Environmental Science | ENV |
Humanities | HUM |
Social Studies | SOCS |
Sciences & Mathematics | SCIM |
Special Theme | ST |
Physical Training | PT |
Grobal Youth | GY |
Japanese | JAPN |
English | ENG |
German | GER |
French | FRN |
Russian | RUS |
Chinese | CHIN |
Korean | KOR |
Italian | ITAL |
Spanish | SPAN |
(Ancient) Greek | GRK |
Latin | LAT |
Graduation Thesis | GT |
人文社会科学研究科 科目ナンバー
教育学研究科 科目ナンバー
理工学研究科博士前期課程 科目ナンバー
理工学研究科博士後期課程 科目ナンバー