1. Education and research for international students
International students can receive all education and research guidance only in English without the need for Japanese language proficiency in the following International Graduate Programs (IGP):
- IGP on Civil and Environmental Engineering
- https://intl.civil.saitama-u.ac.jp/
- IGP on Environmental Science
- https://park.saitama-u.ac.jp/~gsse-igpes/
- IGP on Green and Sustainable Chemical Technologies
- https://park.saitama-u.ac.jp/~gsc/
- IGP on Renewable Energy System Engineering
- https://park.saitama-u.ac.jp/~rese/
On the other hand, international students are encouraged to learn Japanese, and many of them are studying the Japanese language at Saitama University and returning to their home countries with a good understanding of Japanese culture.
2. Fulfilling facilities and environment
The International House on the campus, made up of three buildings (a total of 172 rooms), accommodates about a quarter of the international students studying at Saitama University. The International House has a system that can take care of international students who face various problems related to study and life. There are active exchange programs between these students and the community. There are also established mutual assistance organizations such as the International Student Society. Combined with easy access to downtown Tokyo, the International House offers international students an excellent living environment.
3. Track records of education for international students
The Special Course for International Students on Civil and Environmental Engineering was established in 1992, starting full-scale international student education. Since then, the Graduate School of Science and Engineering has invited many international students from various countries, including international students sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Our abundant experience and track records of education for internal students are highly valued both in Japan and abroad. Designated as a graduate school inviting students on the ADB-JAPAN Scholarship Program sponsored by the Asian Development Bank, the Graduate School of Science and Engineering is accepting about 15 ADB scholars each year to the master’s course in the civil and environmental engineering field. In addition to the above, the Graduate School of Science and Engineering is accepting many international students who have received scholarships from World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, JICA, and other institutions, as well as self-supporting international students. With UNESCO courses held as well, the Graduate School of Science and Engineering is practicing diverse educational research.