氷川の杜ワークショップを実施しました Hikawa no Mori workshop report
例年、埼玉大学が事務局を務める埼玉県留学生交流推進協議会の事業として、埼玉県内の大学キャンパスに通う学生を対象とした地域交流イベントをグローバル人材育成センター(GGS)と共同で開催しています。今年度は中島記念国際交流財団助成を受け、「3 days workshop at Hikawa no Mori」を実施しました。24か国40名の学生が参加し、オンライン事前研修と2日間の体験学習を通して、氷川の杜について学び、地域の方々と交流しました。
As a project of the Saitama Association for International Students, for which Saitama University serves as the secretariat, local exchange events for students attending campuses in Saitama Prefecture are jointly organized with GGS (Saitama Center for Go Global Students). This year, with a grant from the Nakajima Foundation, 40 students from 24 countries participated in the "3-day workshop at Hikawa no Mori," where they learned about Hikawa no Mori and interacted with local residents through online lecture and 2 days of hands-on learning.
The following are some of the comments from the participating students.
“I experienced kimono and Noh through these activities. Learning about different aspects of Japanese culture was very meaningful and a valuable opportunity to learn while having fun with other students."
“The volunteer guides were very knowledgeable and all the scenery along the path was beautiful. I love the bonsai I made."
“I am so glad I was able to be a part of this wonderful event." It would have been even better if we had more opportunities to interact with the locals during the cleanup."




