

Chronological table

Year Month Main event
9 Engineering advanced course was abolished.
Graduate school of engineering was set up.
School regulations of Saitama University graduate school were enacted.
1976 5 The department of science and engineering was reorganized, and Department of Science and Department of Engineering were set up.
1977 4 The electronic engineering major was set up in Graduate school of engineering.
Department of Regulatory Biology was set up in Department of Science.
1978 4 Construction engineering department was set up in School of Engineering.
Graduate school of Science was set up in the graduate school, and the science advanced course was abolished.
1979 1 Common the first scholastic attainments examination of the national and public universities and college was executed.
4 The environmental chemical engineering major was set up in Graduate school of engineering.
1981 4 Regulatory Biology major was set up in Graduate school of science.
1982 4 Construction engineering major was set up in Graduate school of engineering.
1984 3 School of science and engineering was abolished.
10 The opening ceremony of Saitama University international exchange hall was performed.
1988 4 Department of Information Engineering was set up in School of Engineering.
1989 4 Graduate school of Science and Egineering (doctor course of the first term and doctor course of latter term) was set up.
1991 3 The science research course was abolished.
4 The integrated information processing center was set up.
9 Graduate school of Egineering was abolished.
1992 4 工学部に機能材料工学科を設置、電気工学科及び電子工学科が電気電子工学科に、応用化学科及び環境化学工学科が応用化学科に改組
1993 4 工学部機械工学科及び機械工学第二学科が機械工学科に、建設基礎工学科及び建設工学科が建設工学科に改組
1994 4 理工学研究科に情報数理科学専攻設置
6 地域共同研究センター設置
9 国際交流基金設立
1995 4 理学部が数学科、物理学科、基礎化学科、分子生物学科及び生体制御学科に、工学部電気電子工学科及び情報工学科が電気電子システム工学科及び情報システム工学科に改組
1996 4 理工学研究科に機能材料工学専攻設置
1997 4 留学生センター設置
1999 4 理工学研究科化学専攻、生化学専攻、電気電子工学専攻及び情報工学専攻が基礎化学専攻、分子生物学専攻、電気電子システム工学専攻及び情報システム工学専攻に名称変更
11 開学50周年記念式典挙行(50年史刊行、学章の制定、祝典序曲の作曲、記念モニュメントの設置)
2001 4 The Geosphere Research Institute was established.
10 The 21st Century Innovative Research Organization was established.
2002 4 理工学研究科環境制御工学専攻博士課程の設置
2003 4 総合科学分析支援センター設置(分析センター、アイソトープ共同利用施設と理学部動物実験室を統合)
2004 4 全学教育・学生支援機構、21世紀総合研究機構、教育・研究等評価センター設置
10 The Information Infrastructure Organization was established.
2005 1 The 21st Century Innovative Research Organization was reorganized into the Innovative Research Organization.
2006 4 理工学研究科改組(大学院重点化:「研究部」と「教育部」とに分離)
7 The Center for International Exchange was established.
2008 4 The Department of Environmental Science, the School of Engineering was established.
2009 1 The Brain Science Institute was established.
4 The Institute for Environmental Science and Technology was established.