

動植物検疫に関する注意喚起 Reminder regarding Animal and Plant Quarantine




1. 数量の多少や輸送形態(手荷物・携帯品や郵便物)にかかわらず、海外から日本への肉製品や果物・野菜等の持込みは法律で厳しく制限されています。

2. 日本に肉製品や果物・野菜等を違法に持ち込むと重い罰則(3年以下の懲役又は300 万円以下(法人の場合は5,000 万円以下)の罰金等)の対象となります。

3. 留学生自身のみではなく、訪日する家族や知人が、肉製品や果物・野菜等を日本に決して持ち込まないよう注意するとともに、郵便物としても日本に送付しないことを徹底してください。

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) has once again issued a reminder regarding thorough animal and plant quarantine during the Golden Week holiday period.

In principle, it is prohibited to bring meat products, fruits, vegetables, etc. from other countries into Japan.

1. Regardless of the quantity or form of transport (baggage, personal effects, or mail), the law strictly restricts the importation of meat products, fruits, vegetables, etc. from other countries to Japan.

2. Illegal importation of meat products, fruits, vegetables, etc. into Japan is subject to heavy penalties (e.g., imprisonment for up to three years or a fine of up to 3 million yen (50 million yen or less for corporations)).

3. Make sure that not only international students themselves, but also their visiting family members and acquaintances, never bring meat products, fruits, vegetables, etc. into Japan, and never send them by mail to Japan.


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