

The opportunity to take Summer Program courses 【5月25日(木)締切】サマープログラム履修のお知らせ


Dear STEPS students and SU regular Students

Saitama University is offering a 4-week Summer Program and 21 participants from SU’s partner universities in a variety of countries will stay at SU campus from June 12th to July 7th.

We would also like to offer STEPS students and SU students the opportunity to take Summer Program courses. You can earn 2 credits for the Japanese language course and 1 or 2 credits for other courses. See attached files for details of the Summer Program courses.

Please note that we might not be able to accommodate your registration if the number of registered students exceed the capacity of the classrooms (Liberal Arts Building, Room 37 or 38).

Japanese language course will cover up to the N4 level (A1 and A2 for JF standard) and mainly   focus on speaking and listening. You will need to fill out a questionnaire about your Japanese proficiency prior to registration in order for the language instructors to assess your eligibility to take the course.

If you have already registered a regular course in the same period, you cannot register a Summer Program course. Please note that each Summer Program course except Japanese language course will be given twice a week. 

If you would like to take Summer Program courses, please submit (1) (2) (3) to the Office of International Affairs between May 17th (Wed) and May 25th (Thu), 9:30 to 16:00.

(1) Course Schedule and Registration (attached below)
(2) Original your course schedule which you are able to print from “Information system”
(3) If you take Japanese language course, “Japanese Proficiency Questionnaire”(attached below)

(1)Course schedule and Registration エクセルファイル
(2)Course descriptionsワードファイル
(3)Japanese Proficiency Questionnaireエクセルファイル

Office of International Affairs, Saitama University
TEL: 048-858-3908
Email: kokusai@gr.saitama-u.ac.jp 




日本語クラスはN4レベル(国際交流基金のスタンダードではA1とA2)で、話す、聞くに重点をおいた内容です。日本語クラスの受講希望者は、まず日本語レベルについての質問表を 国際室に提出し、担当講師が受講可と判断した場合、履修登録ができます。


(2) web学内システムから印刷した履修登録状況が分かるページ

(3) 日本語既習暦調査票エクセルファイル

申込み 及び 問合せ:
埼玉大学 国際室
電話: 048-858-3908
Eメール: kokusai@gr.saitama-u.ac.jp
